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River Valley High School - Weekly Update

Marion Popcorn Parade

River Valley’s Marching Band, Cheerleaders, and Youth Cheerleaders participating in the Marion Popcorn Parade on Thursday 9/5. There were many other RV students and community members in the parade as well, and all represented the district in a positive manner!

Classroom Updates

Students have taken up chess in Mr. Edwards’ academic assist period on Fun Friday. Shout out to Aiden Ballinger for getting his first win this week. RVHS is trying to give students a chance to do some fun activities on Fun Fridays during academic assist period, and this is a great example.

Josten’s Information: 
Josten’s visited RVHS on Friday 9/6. Information related to those meetings is below, specifically for seniors needing to purchase cap and gowns, and all classes interested in purchasing a class ring. 

-Seniors: Senior information from the 9/6/24 Jostens Meeting
-All Classes Ring Info: Class ring information from the 9/6/24 Jostens Meeting
-Additional Jostens Information

Teen Institute
TI will meet again on 9/11 during academic assist from 11am-11:25am in room 111. Students who join TI will have the opportunity to attend TI’s Drug Free Rally on 9/25. Students must have attended one of the meetings in order to be considered for the TI Drug Free Rally. Please see this link for more information on the TI Drug Free Rally.

College Application Help Days - Class of 2025
Students from the class of 2025 can go to the media center during their lunch and/or academic assist on 9/11 and 9/13 for help with their college applications from Mrs. Kanagy and Mrs. LaBarge. Please visit this link for more information, or see the attached document. 

Picture Makeup Day/Group Pictures
Will take place on 10/3/24 in the HS gym. Please plan for some interruptions on this day as we call groups down for pictures, as well as those students who need to do makeup pics.

Please make sure parent and student FinalForms are signed off as soon as possible. Please visit this link to login to your guardian or student account to sign forms and update any new contact information. 

Driver’s Education Program
Information is available on our website at the following link:

Cell Phones
Our cell phone expectations are very simple this year: Cell phones are to be off and put away during any class, academic assist periods, or study hall. There will be times when teachers ask students to use their phones for educational purposes. They will give direct instructions when these instances occur. 

Senior Vaccinations
All Seniors are required to have a meningococcal booster or a vaccination waiver on file at school by October 1st, 2024. If proper documentation is not received, students will be excluded from school until documentation is provided. The absences are unexcused. 

Please contact your primary care physician, the local health department or a local pharmacy to obtain your vaccine ASAP. If you need a vaccination waiver, please pick one up in the office.

Documentation can be dropped off in the office or emailed to Nurse Bollinger at 

HS Administration Contact Info 
Please feel free to contact us anytime with questions or concerns. 

Travis Stout - Principal 740-725-5805
Kyle Strzelecki - Assistant Principal 740-725-5800 ext. 1809
Sage Brannon - Athletic & Activities Director  740-725-5806

School Menus

Past RVHS Updates

Other Weekly Updates

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